Open Hardware/Retro: Commodore 64, Raspberry Pi, and More
Hackaday ☛ DIY Handheld Is An Emulation Powerhouse
If you’re into handheld gaming, you’ve got a wide array of hardware options to choose from these days that are capable of running everything from console classics to full-fledged PC titles. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t enterprising gamers out there who are still building their own custom handhelds — like the Retro Lite CM5.
Old VCR ☛ The "35-cent" Commodore 64 softmodem
Rockwell famously used 6502-based cores in modems for many years, but that doesn't mean other 6502s couldn't be used. If only there were a way to connect a Commodore 64's audio output directly to an RJ-11 plug ...
Tom's Hardware ☛ Maker turns old Roomba vacuum into a Raspberry Pi-powered AI dog-feeding robot
The idea for this project came to Silveira after purchasing a spare Roomba to salvage repair parts from. With an extra vacuum bot sitting around, it didn't take long before he decided to cram an old Raspberry Pi inside and make it do fun stuff. In this case, turning the Roomba into an AI-driven robot that automatically feeds his dog.
Chuck Grimmett ☛ Live edge fly tying vise base
I’m thinking of carving a spot to set hooks (or maybe insetting a magnet), but I wanted to use it for a week first to figure out the location.