Paul Wise's Debian/FLOSS Activities and Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana on MiniDebConf Toulouse 2024
[Debian's] Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities November 2024
Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana: Bits from MiniDebConf Toulouse 2024
I always find it amazing the opportunities I have thanks to my contributions to the Debian Project. I am happy to receive this recognition through the help I receive with travel to attend events in other countries.
This year, two MiniDebConfs were scheduled for the second half of the year in Europe: the traditional edition in Cambridge in UK and a new edition in Toulouse in France. After weighing the difficulties and advantages that I would have to attend one of them, I decided to choose Toulouse, mainly because it was cheaper and because it was in November, giving me more time to plan the trip. I contacted the current DPL Andreas Tille explaining my desire to attend the event and he kindly approved my request for Debian to pay for the tickets. Thanks again to Andreas!