Free and Open Source Software
Chordcat - chord naming program - LinuxLinks
Chordcat is a desktop app that helps you identify and name chords based on inputted notes.
At the heart of Chordcat is the chord naming algorithm. The algorithm itself is not very complicated.
This is free and open source software.
Lock - process data with GnuPG - LinuxLinks
Lock is a graphical front-end for GnuPG (GPG) making use of an attractive LibAdwaita GUI.
This is free and open source software.
delicolour - lightweight colour finder - LinuxLinks
delicolour is a lightweight colour finder.
The goal of delicolour is to have a straightforward user experience for the task of choosing a colour (mainly for web design), not as advanced as Gpick, yet still useful and responsive. The core principle is: no tabs or other windows, few clicks, everything instantaneously accessible from the main window.
This is free and open source software.