today's howtos
Linux Capable ☛ How to Install Seamonkey on GNU/Linux Mint 22, 21 or 20
Ubuntu Handbook ☛ PPA for Installing Kodi 21.2 Deb Package in Ubuntu 24.04
Want to install Kodi home theater software v21.2 “Omega” via native .deb package? Here’s a PPA for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, though unofficial. Kodi has an official Ubuntu PPA, which has not been updated for long time. The official package for GNU/Linux now is Flatpak that runs in sandbox environment.
Installing Best Lightweight GUI on Ubuntu server 24.04 LTS Linux
Installing a lightweight graphical user interface (GUI) on Ubuntu Server 24.04 is necessary, especially if using a server distro or an old, low-resource PC. Although Lightweight GNU/Linux desktop environments are less fancy than KDE, however, you will have a great performance.
Linux Capable ☛ How to Install LibreOffice on GNU/Linux Mint 22, 21 or 20
Beta News ☛ How to install Kodi 21.2 Omega on Amazon Fire TV Stick (the easy way)
Kodi 21.2 Omega has just been released, bringing with it a range of fixes and improvements. It is the latest update for the hugely popular home theater software, coming ahead of the launch of Kodi 22 Piers, which is expected to arrive (in Alpha form) in the coming months.
Ubuntu ☛ Ubuntu Blog: A comprehensive guide to NIS2 Compliance: Part 3 – Setting the roadmap and demonstrating NIS2 compliance.
In this third and final part of the series, I’ll provide some tips on how to set up your roadmap and effectively demonstrate compliance without overburdening your teams.
If you’re just joining the fun now, in our two previous editions we covered who NIS2 applies to and what requirements it sets out. Be sure to have a look at them if you need any additional context.
How to set up the roadmap to comply with NIS2?
Now that you know how NIS2 applies to you and have a good understanding of what the requirements look like, it’s time to set up your roadmap for compliance.
Canonical ☛ A comprehensive guide to NIS2 Compliance: Part 3 – Setting the roadmap and demonstrating NIS2 compliance.