GNOME: Search Provider: Emacs Integration and Crosswords 0.3.13
Gnome Search Provider: Emacs Integration
Rationale Emacs users try to avoid leaving their editor for other tasks. There is an shell (Eshell: The Emacs Shell), an integration into Secret Service API (Emacs auth-source Library 0.3) and countless other integrations.
Search is a central element of the Gnome desktop environment. Many applications implement the Search Provider dbus interface to provide suitable results.
The aim of this package is to make these search results also available within the Emacs editor.
GNOME ☛ Jonathan Blandford: Crosswords 0.3.13: Side Quests
It’s time for another Crosswords release.
I’ll keep this update short and sweet. I had grand plans last cycle to work on the word data and I did work a little on it — just not in the way I intended. Instead, a number of new contributors showed up which sent me in a different direction. I’m always happy to get new contributors and wanted to make sure they had a good experience. It ended up being a fun set of side quests before returning to the main set of features in the editor.