Mozilla Leftovers and Rust
Firefox Nightly: Firefox on macOS: now smaller and quicker to install! [Ed: Firefox prioritises for Apple customers? Apple consumers typically use Safari, it's GNU/Linux users who use Firefox by default a lot of the time.]
Firefox is typically installed on macOS by downloading a DMG (Disk iMaGe) file, and dragging the into /Applications. These DMG files are compressed to reduce download time. As of Firefox 136, we’re making an under the hood change to them, and switching from bzip2 to lzma compression, which shrinks their size by ~9% and cuts decompression time by ~50%.
Rust Blog ☛ The Rust Programming Language Blog: December Project Goals Update [Ed: Rust's promise of "memory safety" is only a promise and they say promises are made to be broken]
Over the last six months, the Rust project has been working towards a slate of 26 project goals, with 3 of them designated as Flagship Goals.
Rust Weekly Updates ☛ This Week In Rust: This Week in Rust 583 [Ed: About 80% of the links here are Microsoft and proprietary. Rust does not value freedom, it's a bit like a religion based around silencing people.]
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust!