Linux Kernel 6.9 Reaches End of Life, Users Must Upgrade to Linux Kernel 6.10
Linux kernel 6.9 was released on May 12th, 2024, introducing new features like Rust support on AArch64 (ARM64) architectures, support for the Intel FRED (Flexible Return and Event Delivery) mechanism for improved low-level event delivery, support for AMD SNP (Secure Nested Paging) guests, and more.
Since Linux kernel 6.9 is not an LTS (Long Term Support) branch, it was only supported for a couple of months and is now marked as EOL (End of Life) on the website. Renowned Linux kernel developer Greg Kroah-Hartman has urged users to move to the latest Linux 6.10 kernel branch.
Update (by Roy)
Linux Kernel 6.10 Available to Install via Mainline Kernel PPA
For Ubuntu 24.04 and its based systems, the Mainline Kernel PPA finally fixed building recent Kernel packages since v6.10.3. The Mainline Kernel PPA is Ubuntu maintained package archive that keeps building the upstream GNU/Linux Kernel releases for testing purpose.