Best Free and Open Source Software
6 Best Free and Open Source Software KVM Switches - LinuxLinks
This roundup focuses on software that mimics a hardware KVM switch. Use a single keyboard and mouse to control multiple computers by moving your mouse to the edge of the screen, or by using a keypress to switch focus to a different system.
Linux has a good range of software-based KVM switches that let you share a keyboard and mouse without needing to purchase a hardware KVM. Here’s our verdict captured in a legendary LinuxLinks-style ratings chart. Only free and open source software is eligible for inclusion here.
iamb - Matrix client for Vim addicts - LinuxLinks
iamb is a terminal-based client for Matrix for the Vim addict.
You can edit messages, navigate windows and manage tabs in the same ways that your fingers are used to from your favorite text editor.
This is free and open source software.
nap - code snippets in your terminal - LinuxLinks
nap is a code snippet manager for your terminal.
Create and access new snippets quickly with the command-line interface or browse, manage, and organize them with the text-user interface. Keep your code snippets safe, sound, and well-rested in your terminal.
This is free and open source software.
eg - provides examples of common uses of command line tools - LinuxLinks
eg will give you useful examples right at the command line. Think of it as a companion tool for man.
eg works out of the box, no configuration is required.
This is free and open source software.
dma - DragonFly Mail Agent - LinuxLinks
It accepts mails from locally installed Mail User Agents (MUA) and delivers the mails either locally or to a remote destination. Remote delivery includes several features like TLS/SSL support and SMTP authentication.
dma is not intended as a replacement for real, big MTAs like sendmail or postfix. Consequently, dma does not listen on port 25 for incoming connections.
This is free and open source software.
FastFlix - GUI for encoding videos - LinuxLinks
FastFlix is a GUI for H.264, HEVC and AV1 hardware and software encoding.
It needs FFmpeg under the hood for the heavy lifting, and can work with a variety of encoders.
This is free and open source software.
HyperHDR - ambient lighting implementation - LinuxLinks
HyperHDR is an ambient lighting implementation for television and music sets based on the video and audio streams analysis. Focused on stability while ensuring performance and quality.
Its focused on stability while ensuring performance and quality. There is single and multi-threaded video processing optimization.
This is free and open source software.
Flowkeeper - Pomodoro Technique desktop timer - LinuxLinks
Flowkeeper is a Pomodoro Technique desktop timer for power users. It is a simple tool, which focuses on doing one thing well.
Flowkeeper reduces the effect of internal and external interruptions on focus and flow.
This is free and open source software.