Linux DAW is a one-stop catalog of free and proprietary plug-ins for Linux
From full free and open-source software to proprietary favorites from other platforms, the plug-in options on Linux have quietly come into their own. has a visual, searchable catalog – and it’s a reminder of just how spoiled for choice you are even without Windows or macOS.
Every format is here – standalone, VST2, VST3, CLAP, LV2, and even VCV Rack. Even what’s on this site just scratches the surface – you’ll find plenty more in your favorite distro and repository. But it’s especially good at chronicling proprietary tools that have come to the platform, including superb developers like Audio Damage, Sinevibes, TAL Software, u-he, discoDSP, Harrison, and AudioThing, just to name a few. It also represents a nicely curated collection of some of the latest-generation tools on the free software side, including folks like Chowdhury and CHAIR.
But as for assembling your own software studio on Linux? It’s great to have this. It wasn’t so long ago when running Linux meant putting up with painfully primitive UI design and a hit-or-miss smattering of tools; it felt like a sacrifice. It really doesn’t feel that way any more.