Server: Kubernetes and Uptime Records
Kubernetes network stack fundamentals: How containers inside a pod communicate | Enable Sysadmin
Learn how containers communicate within a pod through the same Kubernetes network namespace
Many sysadmins view networking as one of the most complex elements in a Kubernetes environment. This is especially true when hosting your own Kubernetes cluster instead of paying for a managed cluster.
Open-source [Openwashing] Acorn takes a new approach to deploy cloud-native apps on Kubernetes | VentureBeat
Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for multicloud deployments, with services on every major public cloud and a host of vendor technologies, including Red Hat OpenShift and Suse Rancher.
Packaging and then deploying applications to run in cloud-native environments, with the Kubernetes container orchestration system, can be complex. It’s a challenge that Acorn is looking to help solve. There is no shortage of vendors in the Kubernetes space, but Acorn’s pedigree is particularly strong.
Most Reliable Hosting Company Sites in July 2022 [Ed: GNU/Linux 9 out of 10, as usual]
Aruba had the most reliable hosting company site in July 2022, dominating the leaderboard for the second month running. Aruba has data centres in Italy and the Czech Republic, and their services include cloud computing as well as hosting and domains.
The remaining podium places also remained unchanged, with Rackspace coming in second and New York Internet(NYI) taking third place once again. Rackspace offers a variety of data, security, and cloud services, with data centres around the world, whilst NYI provides hybrid IT solutions.