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DietPi June 2024 News (Version 9.5)

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IBASE Launches IB200: 2.5″ Compact SBC with AMD Ryzen for Edge Computing

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Luckfox Pico Ultra RV1106 is a Linux Micro Development Board with PoE Support

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Ubuntu’s App Center Now Finally Supports Installation of Local DEB Packages

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Hateful Conduct, Extreme Racism, and Violent Language by Matthew J. Garrett (mjg59)

posted by Rianne Schestowitz on Aug 11, 2023,
updated Aug 11, 2023

I don't usually write articles because I'm not really a writing type of a person; I prefer to speak or talk (verbally) because it is the best way to express the sentiments I have within me up to a certain point. Today I decided to write a blog post while some part of my mind keeps saying to me, "you should have been done this months ago, but no..."

Everything has the right time and I feel that today is the day. I know a lot of people will read and see this blog post. Your opinion, concerns, suggestions, arguments, and rants are not my business, so you can keep that to yourselves. I don't need sympathy. This is my story and experience, so it's either you believe it or just brush it aside.

The Techrights IRC network and #techrights channel have recently been very busy blocking and banning many sockpuppets who are still flooding the various channels with all sorts of nasty, deluding utterances of racism, defamation, misogyny, drugs (dealing, pushing, and even making hard drugs), and poor-shaming. This article is about documenting and chronologically presenting how Matthew J. Garrett (a.k.a "elusive_woman") was finally unmasked. This arrogant and over-confident person hiding/using sockpuppets over TOR believes he is untouchable. Mr. Garrett creates 100+ sockpuppets (still counting!) and even hijacks other people's names in the IRC network/channels, desperate to carry on harassing and threatening people. This specific human being is sick and needs help (medical, even involuntary). What he's doing in IRC channels is pathetic. Some of it is illegal. Just hours ago Matthew J. Garrett created a website writing about my husband, Dr. Roy Schestowitz, crafting sickening stories that are classic defamation or a fantasy. These are the acts of a deluded (and physically or mentally diluted) mind whose ultimate goal is to destroy Dr. Roy Schestowitz. This horrible and sick-minded person, together with his 100+ sockpuppets, should be stopped. Matthew J. Garrett should be apprehended and must be put in prison now; his sole 'business' is to destroy people who criticise his work and people who oppose who/what he believes. He is not denying he is behind the sockpuppets, he even accelerates the trolling after mjg59_ (Matthew J. Garrett) and his sockpuppets get banned from the Techrights IRC channel. The narcissist Garrett refuses to stop because, of course, what do you expect from an insane/crazy person who writes all of these defamatory, racist, homophobic, and outright illegal things?

The screenshots below will show how he thought he had flourished by morphing since 2022 by or changing from one sockpuppet to a new sockpuppet.

"NoseCandy" is a reference to cocaine, which he's addicted to. It's just another name of "eightballz".

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

At a later point he morphed from "reptilian_thighs" to "elusive_woman":

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Here he is hijacking names of other people by creating similar names to theirs. Here is is morphing again into crime- and drug-themed usernames:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Notice this has been going on since last year (until now):

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

More drug-themed names:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

"elusive_woman" is now known as "cocaine_babie". These are all sockpuppets of Matthew J. Garrett.

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

He even forgot to change his IRC settings to obscure the connection between all those sockpuppets. "reptilian_thighs" is "~elusive_woman@wgxvnce59drh4.irc", joining #techrights in November last year. He keeps changing names. Matthew J. Garrett used very offensive named and engaged in aggressive behaviour against people in the channel, especially against women. He tried to turn the channel into hell, interjecting illegal activities into it.

He even posed as a drug dealer, pretending he was just "lurking". Roy cautioned him that illegal activity is not allowed in the network.

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Here is "dope_dealer" becoming "elusive_woman", the nickname that Matthew J. Garrett would adopt for many months to come.

Here again:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

And again:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Here is Matthew J. Garrett, an Irish white man, making racist statements from his sockpuppets:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Here's "elusive_woman" and "mjg59_" (the personal account of Matthew J. Garrett) dropping off the IRC network at exactly the same time. It's the same person. No other person dropped off the network at the time.

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett


'Man crush' on Roy. Ultimate goal to destroy Roy?

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Here he is using utterly racist usernames, not just usernames that pertain to drug-dealing:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

More racism from Matthew J. Garrett:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

More drug content pushed by Matthew J. Garrett to the channel.

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Here he is glorifying terrorism in the channel (he did this many times):

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Matthew J. Garrett wrote this:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Hailing Unabomber; does the United States know it harbours a person with such a radical stance? These extremist views would be expressed many times later and manifest as death threats to people. Matthew J. Garrett should be locked up.

Here is Matthew J. Garrett abusing and humiliating me (I wasn't even talking in the channel; it's entirely unprovoked).

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

And again, sexist abuse:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

And mentions of "vagina" too:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Does Google know that Matthew J. Garrett behave like this online?

Does Red Hat know that Matthew J. Garrett behave like this online? Does Aurora Innovation know that Matthew J. Garrett behave like this online?

Does the University of California, Berkeley know that Matthew J. Garrett behave like this online?

You cannot offer jobs to people who behave like this.

And here is overt racism:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

What is Berkeley's position on statements such as this? There are loads of Asian students studying at Berkeley. Are they aware that the person their tuition fees went to is buying cocaine and abusing women online?

More abuse of this kind:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Racist, utterly false, and chauvinistic remarks from Matthew J. Garrett:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

And other people in the channel received racism as well. Matthew J. Garrett seems to have racist views on just about everybody. Here I focus on myself, but there are hundreds of more examples of online abuse by Matthew J. Garrett. He also said this, insinuating I was selling sex (he even crafted fake Web addressed to suggest I was on that site with my own account):

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

More sexually-abusive language towards me (and RMS, Richard M. Stallman):

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

This is him sexually-humiliating my husband and I:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Humiliating Rianne isn't the only offence. He did this to many other people.

More lies and defamation:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

More lies:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

More defamation by Matthew J. Garrett:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

The coward with the sockpuppet is just dishing out lies. Matthew J. Garrett lost the plot, wrongly assuming that his colleagues will never find out.

And more lies:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Hate crime/racism, there are many more examples.

He did the same to RMS, constantly referring to him in sexualised terms:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

See for yourselves the screenshots; no need to say it in text:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

And again:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Motif of sex:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Just shaming RMS and others.

A fantasy of a sick-minded person:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

More sick fantasies from Matthew J. Garrett:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

He also constantly expresses the desire to stab people, for instance:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Hallucination of a crack head. Garrett is already high on cocaine at this point.

There are about a dozen other examples of him referring to knives, blades, and stabbing people to death. It seems like a fetish of his.

Unbecoming of Matthew J. Garrett, you could have stopped using the sockpuppet but you chose not to. This is Matthew J. Garrett speaking to himself (his sockpuppet):

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Here is one of many examples of Matthew J. Garrett's homophobia (he's British and that's a hate crime).

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

He not only impersonated Linux developers but also defamed them in a very homophobic fashion:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Homophobe Matthew J. Garrett, claiming to be "SJW" (that is how he keeps referring to himself:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Homophobe Matthew J. Garrett at it again (lots more examples of that):

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Violent Garrett when a nerve gets struck:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

He has made many more physical insinuations and threats. As of today, he has made at least 20 insinuation of violence, death etc. by means of a knife, axe, or even acid attacks. This guy is a maniac.

Here is an older example of him promoting violent behaviour and getting banned for it. Notice Matthew J. Garrett using highly racist language while doing so:

Offensive messages from Matthew J. Garrett

Garrett is harmful to people and dangerous to the world's civil society. No Free software community would tolerate such behaviour.

I have spent hours and days reading and going back to the old logs to see how many times Matthew J. Garrett humiliated me and my mother in-law. Is this the person claiming to be a Social Justice Warrior (SJW)? Just look how he treats women. This egoistic person is boasting of his award and recognition while masking his real self. Yes, Mr. Garrett, you can hide from some lazy people with so many sockpuppets of yours (over 100 of them!), but you can't hide or run away from your true self, so your evil-doing will eventually come to an end.

Stay tuned. I've more abuse to show.

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