Fedora and Red Hat Leftovers
Alejandro Acosta: Fedora back to SoCal for 2024
We’ve just had another magnificent event this past March in beautiful Pasadena for the 21st edition of the Southern California GNU/Linux Expo, the largest community-driven linux and open source conference in North America. Fedora and its crew are proud of have been participated since the conference’s 8th edition back in 2009!. It may sound like a no biggie, but as the conference grows older, bigger and more important, so does the commitment, responsability and even the logistics to provide a memorable experience to the visitors.
This is not the first time that I act as event owner, but this is the first time that I experienced with the most intensity the responsability of having everything ready and putting all together in order to meet the expectations of the reputation that preceeds us. I don’t think I’ve talked about it in any of my past reports, but there are a lots of things that need to be arranged before Day 1, this is why we start preparing everything in the Fall of the previous year. Just to mention some of the most relevant: to poll among Fedorians for interest/intention of attending the event and to work for our project during the event, to create the event page, to create the budget estimation, to create the budget approval and follow up, to request the swag to give away in the booth, request the shipping of the event box for booth setup, to contact the organizers to request for participation and follow up, to request the creation of the Fedora Badge for the event and to print the poster for scanning it, and a lot more!!. I don’t pretend to take full credit for all of these, but I’d like to use this opportunity to thank to the fantastic Fedora crew that made it possible. Thank you Perry Rivera for helping me with many of this tasks and for volunteering as co-owner of the event. Thank you Brian Monroe for assisting with the event box and swag shipping to your personal address and also for your remarkable booth duty. Thank you Scott Williams for the passion in the project and the way you keep people interested in it. And thank you Justin Flory for all your support
LinuxSecurity ☛ Fedora 40 Beta Released with Impressive Speed & New Security Features
Fedora 40 beta , the newest version of the Fedora operating system, is an efficient and lightning-fast release with various new and useful features. Compared to its previous releases, Fedora 40 is lightning-fast and offers maximum efficiency to users.
Fedora Magazine ☛ Fedora Magazine: Fedora GNU/Linux Flatpak cool apps to try for April
In the Productivity section we have Norka. Norka is a distraction free writing app, that allows you to focus on the writing part and not on the formatting or any distractions.
Red Hat Official ☛ Level up your automation with Event-Driven Ansible and Red Hat Consulting
However, organizations are continuing to struggle in several areas, which challenges the effectiveness of the incorporation of these technologies and processes: [...]
Red Hat Official ☛ New video: Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS as a managed comprehensive application platform
To optimize productivity, leading organizations are realizing they need more than just containers and Kubernetes. They need an application platform that helps them get started quickly and securely and efficiently build, deploy, manage and scale their applications. But what's included in an app platform? And what does it take to build one?