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Sipeed Lichee Book 4A: Affordable RISC-V Laptop with Upgradeable Computer Module

The Sipeed Lichee Book 4A is a cost-effective laptop utilizing RISC-V architecture, designed primarily for developers interested in exploring this platform. It merges standard laptop features with functionalities tailored to RISC-V, offering a practical tool for both software development and general use.

DeepComputing and Framework Preview New RISC-V Mainboard with JH7110 Processor

DeepComputing and Framework have collaborated to introduce the first partner-developed Mainboard that features a RISC-V processor, marking a significant step in diversifying the Framework ecosystem and enhancing the accessibility of the RISC-V architecture.

MuseBook RISCV-V Laptop with SpacemiT SoC Starts Pre-orders at $299.00

The MUSE Book is a laptop that features a RISC-V-based architecture, presumably powered by the SpacemiT K1, an 8-core AI CPU built on the RISC-V X60 architecture. The MUSE Book is available for pre-order in three configurations, which include up to 16GB of RAM and two SSD storage capacities.


The Evolution of Linux-Based Smart Home Operating Systems

posted by Rianne Schestowitz on Jun 15, 2024

home automation

Quoting: The Evolution of Linux-Based Smart Home Operating Systems —

Smart home devices are becoming increasingly popular, leading to a growing demand for secure and robust operating systems tailored for Internet of Things (IoT) environments. This article explores the rise of Linux-based smart home operating systems, highlighting recent developments and the various packages available for smart home applications. We will also discuss how Linux enhances the integration and management of IoT devices in the home.

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MuseBook RISCV-V Laptop with SpacemiT SoC Starts Pre-orders at $299.00
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