Today's HowTos
Install Joomla with Apache and free Let's Encrypt SSL on Alma Linux 8 | Mark Ai Code
Joomla is a free, open-source content management system that is widely used. It’s developed in PHP and can be used to build websites and blogs without any programming skills. It offers both free and commercial plugins and themes to let you increase the functionality of your website. It has a control panel for controlling websites from the web browser. Multi-language support, media manager, SEO, an integrated help system, contact management, and many more features are available in Joomla.
In this guide, you will learn how to install Joomla CMS on Alma Linux 8 with Apache and Let’s Encrypt SSL.
How to Install Miniconda3 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS | Mark Ai Code
The Anaconda distribution is a collection of scientific software. It comes with Python and R installations, as well as the Conda package manager, which may be used to install Anaconda products. Because the full Anaconda distribution with all programs takes up a lot of storage space, there is also a Miniconda variation that includes simply Python, Conda, and a few fundamental packages. Both versions are entirely free and open source.
MiniConda3 requires around 400 MB of free space to download and install.
How to conifgure Podman 4.0 for IPv6 | Red Hat Developer
Podman is a major container platform, used by many developers in place of Docker. Podman v4.0 has extensive new support for the IPv6 address format. IPv6 networks with Network Address Translation (NAT) and port forwarding are now fully tested and supported in this latest version of the platform. You can also assign static IPv6 addresses to containers in these networks.
Podman v4.0 is supported in versions 8.6 and 9 of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. This article shows you how to enable the new IPv6 support.
How to Secure Nginx with Letsencrypt on Rocky Linux/Alma Linux 9
Let’s Encrypt is a certificate authority (CA) that provides free certificates for Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption. It simplifies the process of creation, validation, signing, installation, and renewal of certificates by providing a software client—Certbot.
It was developed by the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG) and trusted by all major browsers. It is used to automate the process of certificate creation, validation, signing, implementation, and renewal of certificates for secure websites.
How to Edit Files as Root in Ubuntu using GUI File Manager
Learn the way to edit text and other files on Ubuntu as a root user using Nautilus GUI File Manager without the help of the Command Terminal. The tutorial is valid for all Ubuntu versions such as 22.04, 20.04, and 18.04…
Linux basic health check commands
There are a variety of tools that a system administrator can use to check and monitor the health of their Linux system. This would include not only the physical hardware, but also the software and how many resources are being dedicated to running the installed services. In this tutorial, you will learn several commands to check overall health of your Linux system from the command line.
Get CPU temperature on Linux
The ability to get the temperature of a key component such as a CPU is important, whether you are gaming, overclocking, or hosting intensive processes on a critical server for your company. The Linux kernel comes with modules built in that allow it to access onboard sensors within the CPU. In this tutorial, you will learn how to access these sensors and get the CPU temperature on a Linux system.
There is a program that will work in conjunction with the kernel modules mentioned above to display the readings of the CPU temperature in the userspace. The program is called lm_sensors. This software allows users to get a readout of the CPU temperature in the command line and interfaces with several graphical front ends that make displaying temperatures in real time automatic and easy.
The lost+found Directory in Linux and UNIX
The Linux fsck system utility is directly associated with the lost+found directory construct. Executing the fsck system utility will initiate a filesystem check and repair routine.
The result of using the fsck system utility might lead to the retrieval of data fragments, not ‘registered/referenced’ by the Linux filesystem.
For instance, fsck tends to highlight data that resembles a complete file but missing a name record on the Linux system. Therefore, such nameless data tend to use up system memory and remain mysterious since there are no conventional means of accessing it.
This article is here to unravel the mysteries behind the lost+found directory and its association with the Linux fsck utility.
Hibernation in Fedora Workstation - Fedora Magazine
Hibernation stores the current runtime state of your machine – effectively the contents of your RAM, onto disk and does a clean shutdown. Upon next boot this state is restored from disk to memory such that everything, including open programs, is how you left it.
Fedora Workstation uses ZRAM. This is a sophisticated approach to swap using compression inside a portion of your RAM to avoid the slower on-disk swap files. Unfortunately this means you don’t have persistent space to move your RAM upon hibernation when powering off your machine.
Create beautiful PDFs in LaTeX |
The LaTeX document preparation system has an interesting history. When programmer Don Knuth wrote his first book, The Art of Computer Programming, in 1968, it was produced using an old-style printing press method. When he published the second edition in 1976, the publisher had moved to modern phototypesetting.
Knuth was unhappy with how the new edition looked. Addressing the problem from a programmer's perspective, Knuth decided to create his own text processing system so his future books could be formatted to look the same way, for every book in the series. And so it was that Don Knuth wrote the first version of TeX in 1978.
A few years later, Leslie Lamport created a set of macros that help authors write complex documents more easily. Lamport's macro extensions, LaTeX, essentially extends TeX to easily produce all kinds of documents. For example, many academic organizations use LaTeX to publish journals and proceedings.
Base64 encoding: What sysadmins need to know | Enable Sysadmin
By understanding Base64 encoding, you can apply it to Kubernetes secrets, OpenSSL, email applications, and other common situations.