Three PostgreSQL-related Releases
Apache Arrow Flight SQL adapter for PostgreSQL 0.1.0
The Apache Arrow team is pleased to announce the 0.1.0 release of the Apache Arrow Flight SQL adapter for PostgreSQL.
Read the blog post of this release about what's new in the release.
What is Apache Arrow Flight SQL adapter for PostgreSQL?
Apache Arrow Flight SQL adapter for PostgreSQL is a PostgreSQL extension that adds an Apache Arrow Flight SQL endpoint to PostgreSQL.
dbMigration .NET v16.4 released
dbMigration .NET v16.4 is a simple, easy and intuitive multiple database migration and sync tool, With it you can easily migrate and synchronize data to PostgreSQL and vice versa without complicated procedures. (Free for non-commercial and a single executable file without installation)
Credcheck version 2.2 released
Antananarivo, Madagascar - September 16, 2023
PostgreSQL credcheck extension
The credcheck PostgreSQL extension provides few general credential checks, which will be evaluated during the user creation, during the password change and user renaming. By using this extension, we can define a set of rules: [...]