Linux and Devices
Rachel ☛ 1 << n vs. 1U << n and a cell phone autofocus problem
Maybe 15 years ago, I heard that a certain cell phone camera would lose the ability to autofocus for about two weeks, then it would go back to working for another two weeks, and so on. It had something to do with the time (<some unit> since the epoch), the bits in use, and a fun little thing called sign extension.
Linux Links ☛ Emulate the Acorn Electron home computer with Linux
Launched in August 1983, the 8-bit Acorn Electron microcomputer sported a Synterek SY6502A CPU clocked at 2MHz.
Mobile Systems
Linux Phone Apps ☛ A Talk at FOSDEM 2024: 'The Linux Phone App Ecosystem' | LinuxPhoneApps
First things first: FOSDEM (Free Open Source Developers European Meeting) is a yearly event happening in Brussels, Belgium. It lasts only two days, but it has content for a about two weeks. It's a nice event, there's no sign-up, no admission - if you're involved with FOSS, and can make, it should just go. Yes, it's a health hazard and overcrowded. But it's such a boost, also.
After having attended FOSDEM 2023, I was sure to go again. Something made me believe that I should give a talk, and so, as the Call for Participation for the FOSS on Mobile devroom was taking place, I figured that it might be interesting to talk about the Linux Phone App Eosystem - not a bad idea. Also, I figured that my live would contain enough minutes and hours to prepare this well enough. This assumption was wrong, and led to a talk with last minutes slides; thankfully, I had somewhat prepared the rest. But as these things go, without time to rehearse, you will not deliver what you may have intended to deliver.