What the Krita Developers Are Up To, Part II
Krita 5.1 is nearing its release, and working on that has claimed a lot of our attention. Not that there haven’t been other things happening!
And not just bug reports, though with on average a hundred new bug reports a month, that’s taking a lot of work as well. Even if the bug report is more a cry for user support than a real bug report, it will take time to evaluate and close. Say, on average, half an hour of engagement with the report and reporter before the real work starts, just triaging these bugs takes 50 hours a month!
At the same time, every artist who starts using Krita will have ideas that must be implemented, so there is a never ending stream of feature requests, often of the form “Photoshop has X, it’s incredible that Krita still hasn’t X, too!”. That is not only discouraging, it is also a big timesink. And since there’s so much of it, it’s not possible for the Krita developers to meaningfully engage with all the ideas artists bring to the table.