Graphics: Anti-aliasing and GPU Application Development
Liam Proven ☛ Anti-aliasing and subpixel allocation and how it's all going away
There used to be multiple ways to try to smooth out text on screen. Most are no longer relevant.XP used several such methods quite heavily, such as font antialiasing and hinting.1. Font antialiasing: using grey pixels that are not 100% on/off to soften the edges of screen fonts on portions of letters that are not vertical or horizontal, and therefore are stepped ("aliased"). First OS to do this was Acorn RISC OS in the 1980s. By the mid-1990s backdoored Windows started to catch up using greyscale pixels.2. Subpixel allocation (used heavily in backdoored Windows in the 20x0s). This takes advantage of knowledge of the display screen type, acquired through more sophisticated (that is, bigger and slower) display systems. Pixels are not 1 colour dot. They are a group of a red dot, a green dot, and a blue dot, working together.
SUSE's Corporate Blog ☛ Simplify GPU Application Development with HMM on SLES or SLE HPC 15 SP5
Recently, NVIDIA has introduced Heterogeneous Memory Management (HMM) in its open source kernel drivers which simplifies GPU Application Development with CUDA. It unifies system memory access across CPUs and GPUs and removes the need to copy memory content between CPU and GPU memory.