Media Unable to Tell the Difference Between Proprietary VMware and "Linux"
Hacker News ☛ New 'Helldown' Ransomware Variant Expands Attacks to VMware and Linux Systems [Ed: The issue here is Proprietary Junk, not Linux]
Neowin ☛ "Helldown" ransomware attacks expand to Linux and VMware [Ed: Microsoft-connected sites try to stigmatise Linux with lack of safety, distracting from the catastrophes happening this week to Windows]
Dark Reading ☛ Linux Variant of Helldown Ransomware Targets VMware ESXi Systems [Ed: The issue here is Proprietary Junk with back doors, not "Linux"]
Helldown ransomware evolves to target VMware systems via Linux
A Linux variant of the Helldown ransomware has been discovered targeting Linux systems and potentially evolving to target virtualized VMware systems.
Even a day later:
Linux Variant of Helldown Ransomware Targets VMware ESX Servers [Ed: So proprietary software being a liability is somehow the fault of Linux?]
Cybersecurity firm Sekoia has discovered a new variant of Helldown ransomware. The article details their tactics and how they exploit vulnerabilities in network devices, steal sensitive data, and encrypt critical systems.