Programming Leftovers
[Old] Loris Cro ☛ Why Go and not Rust?
Go was created at Google to solve Google problems, which mostly involves dealing with networked services. Go's concurrency model is a good fit for server-side applications that must primarily handle multiple independent requests, rather than participate in complex result-passing schemes. This is one reason why you're given go and not await.
[Old] LogRocket Inc ☛ When to use Rust and when to use Go
What’s more, Go has built-in support for the HTTP web protocol. You can quickly design a small API using the built-in HTTP support and run it as a microservice. Therefore, Go fits well with the microservices architecture and serves the needs of API developers.
In short, Go is a good fit if you value development speed and prefer syntax simplicity over performance. On top of that, Go offers better code readability, which is an important criterion for large development teams.
[Old] Hack Education ☛ Pigeons, Operant Conditioning, and Social Control
Behavior modification. Behavioral conditioning. Behavioral design. Gamification. Operant conditioning. All practices and products and machines that are perhaps so ubiquitous in technology that we don’t see them – we just feel the hook and the urge for the features that reward us for behaving like those Project Pigeon birds pecking away at their target – not really aware of why there’s a war or what’s at stake or that we’re going to suffer and die if this missile runs its course. But nobody asked the pigeons. And even with the best of intentions for pigeons – promising pigeons an end to poverty and illiteracy, nobody asked the pigeons. Folks just assumed that because the smart men at Harvard (or Stanford or Silicon Valley or the US government) were on it, that it was surely right “fix.”
[Old] Loris Cro ☛ What is Zig's Comptime?
Zig is a new general-purpose programming language developed by Andrew Kelley. While still under heavy development, I think the language is already showing great promise. Zig aims to be a better C, similarly to how Rust can be understood as a better C++, generally speaking. Zig has no garbage collection, no built-in event loops, nor other runtime machinery of that level. It's lean just like C, and in fact it can interoperate with C pretty easily. For a complete overview checkout
Hackaday ☛ Compiling Four Billion If Statements
With modern tools, you have to try very hard to do something stupid, because the tools (rightly) recognize you’re doing something stupid. [Andreas Karlsson] can speak to that first hand as he tried to get four billion if statements to compile.
Qt ☛ Qt Creator 14.0.1 released
We are happy to announce the release of Qt Creator 14.0.1!
Juha-Matti Santala ☛ Improved print readability with pprint
If we instead print the project information with pprint.pprint, we get an output that is formatted on multiple lines with indentations: [...]