EasyOS: pMusic and woofV Updates
Barry Kauler ☛ pMusic updated to version
pMusic is an audio player created by zigbert; see forum:
The EasyOS "noarch" PET repository had pMusic version 6.9.3; however, has some fixes.
I have modified the PET to make it more compatible with EasyOS, and merged 'pmusic-NLS.pet' into it. Also added translations to the menu entry. Uploaded here: [...]
Barry Kauler ☛ woofV drive-image get desktop
Continuing the woofV project, here is the previous post:
I have worked on '7create-easy-sfs', '8create-drive-img' and some support scripts, and have built a easyVoid drive image file, which I wrote to a USB-stick and booted it, and got a desktop. The scripts are here: [...]
Another update
A newer update:
woofV-built easyVoid 240224 working well
Previous post in the woofV project:
...as posted before, woofV now builds a drive-image that can be written to a usb-stick and it boots to a desktop.
I have worked on a few bugs, and the "240224" build is looking real good. Normal-looking desktop: [..]