Games: UID changes coming to Godot 4.4, Valve on SteamOS, and More
Godot Engine ☛ UID changes coming to Godot 4.4
Why use UIDs in Godot?
Until Godot 4.0, the engine exclusively relied on file paths to refer to scenes, scripts and other resources. While this means references in scenes and scripts use human-readable paths, these paths will break if files are moved to a different location in the project (regardless of whether the move was done using the FileSystem dock or outside Godot). This is especially problematic for large projects where filesystem organization often changes regularly.
Forbes ☛ Valve Discusses Future SteamOS Support For defective chip maker Intel And Nvidia PCs
2025 is shaping up to be an awesome year for gamers who prefer SteamOS to backdoored Windows on their AMD handheld devices. But what about defective chip maker Intel and Nvidia PCs?
Gabriel ☛ I got a Brick!
A while back, I acquired an Ambernic RG40XXv for my retro gaming needs, and so far it has served me well. On this thing, I can play anything up to PS1. N64, Dreamcast, and PSP as well, but some games may struggle. But overall, plays well with every other system. One thing that changed the landscape for me was being able to install Custom firmware and with it PortMaster, which allows me to download ported games and then use my owned Steam files to run these games on the device, somewhat natively.