Make Linux look like Star Trek LCARS (UPDATED)
“Star Trek: The Next Generation” introduced a custom user interface for their computer systems known as LCARS — the “Library Computer Access/Retrieval System”.
Originally designed by Michael Okuda — It was a somewhat bizarre system, with a unique style, workflow, and color theme that became almost instantly iconic. It looked almost nothing like traditional computer window managers and desktops.
Now: The LCARS DE is not perfect. It doesn’t perfectly recreate an LCARS system… but it gets very, very close and does a surprisingly good job of finding ways of making traditional desktop components (like the status bar display) look like it would fit on the bridge of the Enterprise next to Mr Data.
Also worth noting… LCARS DE can be a little finicky to install. I’ve found the installation instructions do work. But not always consistently on all systems. I’ve hit scenarios where I’ve really borked up my install and needed to start over. Functional. But… like I said. Finicky. That finicky-ness has not been, in my experience, consistent. Which is funky. Funky finicky. For sure.
More coverage now in Unicorn Media/Fossforce.
Encounter at Home Point
We wonder what the crew from the Enterprise would think of 21st century Earthlings giving up Gnome, KDE, or Xfce for the official desktop environment of Star Fleet.
I’m not going to ask why they’re in 2022. I would say that it was some kind of side track from Star Trek: Picard, where an aged Picard visits Earth in 2024, but Wesley is still a teen wearing a Star Trek uniform, so it couldn’t be that. For some reason, they beam into my home office in rural North Carolina — Picard, Wesley Crusher, and of course Data.
About the same time they are materializing, I hit the blue button on Facebook and send a post that reads: “Picard would find it silly that we’re doing this. Data would find it fascinating, being more Vulcan than the Vulcans. Young Wesley would get into it, question perceptible changes which would be obvious, until he joined the New Age.” The post links to an article by Brian Lunduke, the ‘Linux Sucks’ dude, who’s an okay guy as long as he’s not talking politics, if you catch my drift.