Calibre 7.21 Adds Read Aloud with Sentence Tracking for EPUBs
Quoting: Calibre 7.21 Adds Read Aloud with Sentence Tracking for EPUBs —
Less than a month after its previous 7.20 version, Calibre, a popular open-source ebook management tool, has just released version 7.21, which includes improvements and new features. Here they are.
OMG Ubuntu:
Calibre 7.2.1 Brings Read Aloud Fixes, New Audio Overlay - OMG! Ubuntu
For a while now Calibre has offered a ‘read aloud’ feature that does exactly what you think it does: a computer voice reads the text of an ePUB book.
Calibre 7.2.1 intros a “new tool to create an audio overlay in EPUB files for all text using the Read aloud facility”. This, it says, enables readers to listen with sentence tracking, and assign different voices to different parts of the book’s text.