Cropped video for media shapes in Impress
Impress now supports cropped videos in slide edit mode and during slideshow for documents imported from PowerPoint.
The first problem was that the Impress preview was picked from the 3rd second of the video (presumably to avoid a black preview in many videos that start with a short black fade-in), while PowerPoint can store an explicit preview from the video (seems to be the first frame), so no matter what effects you apply, the previews were just different as the source bitmap was different. This could be fixed by looking for an explicitly provided bitmap for the video first, and only then asking the various avmedia/ backends to produce a preview.
Once the preview's initial bitmap was OK, it was necessary to take cropping into account. This was first done for the preview bitmap, and then also for the gstreamer backend (the relevant one for Linux, as a start) of avmedia/, which is responsible for the actual video playback. The gstreamer bits were done by first creating a videocrop element and then connecting that to the existing playbin.