Programming Leftovers
YAML Comments
In this article, we will be discussing the concept of creating comments in a YAML file. YAML allows single-line comments with the help of the “#” character. We can use the single-line comment multiple times to make a block comment paragraph in the YAML file. Now, a YAML file is a configuration support file for storing data for other programs like Ruby and Dockers. For this article, we used the YAML file as a support file for Dockers. The Docker-compose supports files with a “.yml” file. In these files, the configuration of a Docker image file is stored. The pre-requisite for the implementation is to install Dockers and Docker-compose through the Ubuntu terminal.
RuboCop Serves (Much) Faster
RuboCop’s motto has always been “The Ruby Linter that Serves and Protects”.1 Now, with the addition of a server mode in RuboCop 1.31 that motto is truer than ever! But first - a bit of background.
Fault-Tolerant Design
The very first fault-tolerant computer was the Samočinný počítač, or SAPO, built in 1950. It could tolerate the failure of an arithmetic unit --it had three parallel arithmetic logic units and decided on the correct result by voting1.
The obvious use cases for fault-tolerant computers are when maintenance or repairs are extremely hard to do (spacecraft) or when failures are extremely costly (nuclear power plants).
JavaScript: Return multiple values from a function call with code examples
Learn how to return multiple values from a function call in Javascript. Unlike go lang, JavaScript does not have a native way to return multiple values from a single function. In this post, you will learn how to improvise on this and get around the issue if you have to get back multiple values from a JavaScript function call. Time to get going.
Build a Next.js React Apps with MongoDB in Mins
Next.js is a free open-source React framework for building a web applications. It allows developers to generate start website or use server-side rendering to create a highly scalable sites.
Lightence Is a Free Outstanding Full-Featured Dashboard Template for React
React is a popular open-source web development framework for creating interactive web apps. It has a large community of developers of all levels, and it is the first choice for many companies and enterprise developers.
Open-source React templates save developers time, and fasten their development speed, especially in large projects.
There are many React dashboard and control panel templates, that we covered the open-source free ones here, however, most of them come in 2 editions; free/ open-source and a pro or enterprise edition that has more features, components and custom pages.
SPVM continues to undergo heavy changes. | Yuki Kimoto Perl Blog - Perl Club []
Sorry, SPVM continues to undergo heavy changes.
After building real-world modules and applications, I realized that a lot of changes needed to be made.
You can see what I'm currently working on below.
Update: Version 0.0.21
This new version of adds a regex for UNCs to the library and has a Python 3 fix.
Update: Version 0.0.69
This update brings an update to plugin
This is a plugin that scans VBA source code for keywords (Declare, CreateObject, GetObject, CallByName and Shell), extracts all lines with these keywords, followed by all lines with identifiers associated with these keywords.
For example, if the result of a CreateObject call is stored in variable oXML, then all lines with this oXML identifier are selected.
I updated this plugin with two options -g (–generalize) and -a (–all).
Option -g generalize will replace all identifiers (like variable & functions names) with a general name: Identifier#### where #### is a numeric counter.
I added this option to analyze a sample where almost all identifiers where completely unreadable, as they consisted solely out of characters that are between byte values 128 and 255 (e.g., non-ASCII).