Programming Leftovers
Qt ☛ QHacks 2025: A Showcase of Talent and Innovation in Software Hackathon at Queens University
QHacks, an annual hackathon event hosted by Queens University in Kingston, Canada, brought together 330 talented computer science and engineering students from nearby universities for a weekend of coding.
Rlang ☛ Key considerations for retiring/superseding an R package
Most of our work in Epiverse TRACE involves either developing an R package from scratch or adopting and maintaining an existing R package.
Rlang ☛ Becoming a master-chef: the logic of programming
In this post, Giles explains the logic behind using code to achieve a set of analysis tasks with a focus on the R programming language.
Jim Nielsen ☛ UI Pace Layers
Jeremy Keith, Chris Coyier, and others (see Jeremy’s post) have written about the idea of “pace layers” and now I’m going to take a stab at applying it to user interface primitives.
First, let’s start with a line of reasoning: [...]
Perl / Raku
Perl ☛ What's new on CPAN - December 2024
Welcome to “What’s new on CPAN”, a curated look at last month’s new CPAN uploads for your reading and programming pleasure. Enjoy!
CNX Software ☛ RP2350-USB-A – A Raspberry Pi RP2350 board with an extra USB Type-A port using a PIO implementation
Waveshare RP2350-USB-A is a small Raspberry Pi RP2350 board with a USB-C port for power and programming and a USB-A port to use the board as a USB device or host through a programmable IO (PIO) implementation.