Life Simplicity - a mobile phone can't get you true realisation
My personal point of view regarding this move to ban mobile phones in classrooms is the subject of this short article.
This should have been done many years ago and this kind of action is long overdue, as children wasted tremendous, precious time and endless hours of their lives with their mobile phones, often times without parental guidance. Even persons as young as a 3 year-old (toddler) are already manoeuvring the phone like some pros. What benefits can a toddler get from a "smart phone's" surveillance, radiation, foreign influence or worse? Some already got radicalized. It's about time to set rules and limitations on the use of mobile phones and perhaps even social media access or certain usages of it. Children are not getting smarter by using "smart phones"; the brain cells haven't been utilised to their full capacity; no more research and brainstorming while working on assignments and projects. Why not? Well, there is chatbot hype! I can ask a question and voila! Some assignments and projects done without a hinch. As Dr. Richard Stallman said regarding ChatGPT or various chatbots, these “don’t understand anything and don’t know anything.” This young generations will never experience life's reality. Well, no person has the same life experience anyway, but I'm glad I was born before this "smart phone" and social media thing became hype.