Stable kernels: Linux 6.12.2, Linux 6.11.11, and Linux 4.19.325
I'm announcing the release of the 6.12.2 kernel.
All users of the 6.12 kernel series must upgrade.
The updated 6.12.y git tree can be found at: git:// linux-6.12.y and can be browsed at the normal git web browser:
greg k-h
Also: Linux 6.11.11
OMG Ubuntu:
Linux 6.12 Kernel Confirmed as Long-Term Support Version - OMG! Ubuntu
Last month’s Linux 6.12 kernel was a big update filled with new features, hardware support, and performance tune-ups. Now, it’s just gotten even sweeter: it’s an LTS!
Those au fait with kernel development won’t be surprised by this news since, typically, the final stable Linux kernel release of the year becomes an LTS.
But nothing is ever official until it’s official — and now it’s official!
Linux 6.12 officially named new LTS kernel
Linux kernel 6.12 has been named as the next LTS, or long-term-support, kernel version. This landmark kernel release includes a wide range of new features, and will now be officially supported by the core Linux kernel maintenance team until at least December of 2026.