Rebooting After 248 Days
No, not Android. KDE.
THE day has come. Since January I've had my main laptop running non-stop (the second laptop since February) following the replacement of a faulty drive. Today X crashed fatally, for reasons unknown to me as I was away from keyboard (having breakfast). So I did another full system update (in tty2) and rebooted my computer for the first time since it was installed at the start of the year. This was literally the first reboot.
Following the update, which included the kernel update, KDE Plasma came back OK and some terminals aged nearly 250 days had to be brought back up. I actually saw the boot screen, for a change, and nearly forgot some passwords. The crash of X did not result in any data loss and Kate was able to restore the session (saving program state). A lot of memory leaks were belatedly overcome and I now have a snappier session. Far fewer redundant windows.
GNU/Linux is a very stable system. At one point I ran my main laptop for an entire year (until disk issues). █