today's howtos
Noë Flatreaud ☛ Hiding data inside Lorem Ipsum
By encoding sensitive information into a sequence of Lorem Ipsum words, attackers can create payloads that appear harmless to both human eyes and automated detection systems. While this method introduces some overhead and has certain limitations, this silly idea is still worth trying.
University of Toronto ☛ Web spiders (or people) can invent unfortunate URLs for your website
Today, I discovered that two IPs had asked for 1000-entry ranges today, and the blog engine provided them. Based on some additional log information, it looks like it's not the first time that giant ranges have been requested. One of those IPs was an AWS IP, for which my default assumption is that this is a web spider of some source. Even if it's not a conventional web spider, I doubt anyone is asking for a thousand entries at once with the plan of reading them all; that's a huge amount of text, so it's most likely being done to harvest a lot of my entries at once for some purpose.
The New Stack ☛ What Are Linux Namespaces and How Are They Used?
Would a rose by any other namespace still smell as sweet?
HowTo Geek ☛ The 5 Best Ways to Back Up Your Files on Ubuntu
Backing up your data isn’t a task to put off until something goes wrong. Whether it’s an accidental deletion, a failed hard drive, or malware wreaking havoc, the time to prepare is always before disaster strikes. Ubuntu has plenty of robust tools at your disposal for safeguarding data.
HowTo Geek ☛ How to Get Adobe Photoshop on Linux Using Wine [Ed: Better to just use GIMP or Krita, kick the "addition" to bad "products"]
Need Adobe Photoshop on Linux? Sadly, you can't run the current or even the recent versions of Photoshop, but you can run Photoshop CC 2015 perfectly. This version was my go-to for many years, and it even has the coveted camera raw filter.
ID Root ☛ How To Install Timeshift on Linux Mint 22
Linux Mint 22, the latest iteration of this popular Ubuntu-based distribution, offers users a stable and user-friendly computing environment. However, even the most reliable systems can encounter issues, making regular backups crucial. Timeshift, a powerful system snapshot and restoration tool, provides an excellent solution for Linux Mint users looking to safeguard their systems.
ID Root ☛ How To Install VNC Server on Rocky GNU/Linux 9
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install VNC Server on Rocky GNU/Linux 9. Remote access to your Rocky GNU/Linux 9 system has never been more crucial, especially in today’s distributed work environments. Virtual Network Computing (VNC) offers a robust solution for managing your server or desktop from afar.
ID Root ☛ How To Install Telnet on Linux Mint 22
In the ever-evolving landscape of GNU/Linux administration, certain tools remain indispensable despite their age. Telnet, a veteran protocol for remote system access, continues to play a crucial role in network diagnostics and legacy system management.
ID Root ☛ How To Install Discord on Rocky GNU/Linux 9
Discord has emerged as a leading platform for communication among gamers and communities alike. Its versatility makes it a popular choice for many users on GNU/Linux systems. Rocky GNU/Linux 9, known for its stability and performance, offers a robust environment for running Discord.
ID Root ☛ How To Install Mattermost on Debian 12
In today’s fast-paced work environment, effective communication is paramount. Mattermost, an open-source collaboration platform, offers teams a self-hosted solution to manage their communications securely. This guide will walk you through the detailed steps of installing Mattermost on a Debian 12 server, ensuring that you have a robust platform for your team’s collaboration needs.
ID Root ☛ How To Install Apache Guacamole on Rocky GNU/Linux 9
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Apache Guacamole on Rocky GNU/Linux 9. Apache Guacamole is a powerful, clientless remote desktop gateway that provides seamless access to various remote protocols through a web browser.
Attempt to install and run DeepSeek Hey Hi (AI) on Debian Sid (Trixie Alpha) VENV