Programming Leftovers
socketcan support for moteus C++ library
In the initial announcement of the new moteus C++ library, the only transport that was supported out of the box was for the mjbots fdcanusb.
Formal Methods can't fix everything and that's okay
I've always wondered - is there much use of building formally verified software on top of non-formally verified systems (like the OS the software runs on)? To me, the absolute layman here, it feels like we're building proofs on top of potentially/probably flawed axioms. If we can verify Raft is a solid algorithm but it's built on non-verified networking devices do we end up putting a wrong amount of trust into the system?
How Do Quartz Jobs Work in Java
Quartz is a popular Java library for scheduling and managing jobs or tasks in applications. It allows you to schedule jobs to run at specific times or intervals.
The Rust Programming Language Blog: Increasing the minimum supported Apple platform versions
As of Rust 1.74 (to be released on November 16th, 2023), the minimum version of Apple's platforms (iOS, macOS, and tvOS) that the Rust toolchain supports will be increased to newer minimums. These changes affect both the Rust compiler itself (
), other host tooling, and most importantly, the standard library and any binaries produced that use it. With these changes in place, any binaries produced will stop loading on older versions or exhibit other, unspecified, behavior. -
SciPy Leastsq
In Python, the “scipy.optimize.leastsq()” function of the “scipy” library is used to find the best-fit line for a set of data points.
Using .env Files in Django
In software development, especially in web frameworks like Django, it’s common to have settings that change between deployments. For instance, in development, you might connect to a local database, while in production, you connect to a cloud database. Hardcoding these configurations is neither flexible nor secure.
Using .env File in FastAPI
FastAPI is a modern web framework for building APIs with Python 3.7+ based on standard Python type hints. Like many other frameworks, FastAPI has provisions for working with environment variables to manage configuration.
Setting Up Email Notifications for Django Error Reporting
Django, the powerful web framework for perfectionists with deadlines, is renowned for its comprehensive suite of tools and built-in features. One of its lesser-known, yet incredibly handy functionalities is its ability to send out email notifications when an error occurs.
Pandas DatetimeIndex
Pandas DatetimeIndex
Python Hashlib MD5
In Python, the “hashlib.md5()” function of the “hashlib” module is used to create a cryptographic hash by taking the string or files of data.
Pandas Join vs Merge
The “join()” function is mainly used to join DataFrames on the index, while the “merge()” function joins DataFrames on both indexes and columns.
Bubble sort python
In Python, the Bubble sort algorithm is used to sort things by comparing two things next to each other and swapping them until they are in the right order.
Generate Prime Numbers in Python
The “for” loop, “lambda” function, and the “sympy.primerange()” function of the Sympy library are used to generate prime numbers in Python.