Programming Leftovers
Getting Started with Jenkins Java Client
Jenkins is an open source automation server that reliably builds, tests, and deploys software. Jenkins also comes with its own intuitive UI that allows you to create new jobs, schedule the execution of existing jobs, navigate into defined jobs on the system, and more.
libXaw3dXft compiled in OE
I was reading Peter's work creating GUIs with libXaw, linked from here:
And it was mentioned that libXaw3dXft could be used. This is based on libXaw3d, which is based on libXaw (Athena widgets), and adds freetype (truetype) aliased font support and UTF8 support.
Brain.js Brings Deep Learning to the Browser and Node.js – The New Stack
Brain.js is a JavaScript library for deploying a neural network in the browser or on Node.js. It uses a computer’s GPU (graphics processing unit) for calculations, or pure JavaScript when GPU isn’t available.
BaCon has a new integrated GUI framework
That link describes HUG, Highlevel Universal GUI, which is a very simple way to create little GUI apps. One shortcoming is that widgets can only be placed by fixed coordinates (relative to the window).
One utility that uses HUG and is still in EasyOS is 'popup'. Open a terminal, and type "popup" to see the required parameters. It does what the name suggests, very handy in scripts, and I use it a lot.