today's howtos
Linux Host Support ☛ How to Install Snipe-IT on Ubuntu 24.04
Asset management is the process of managing and maintaining a company’s assets to maximize their value and use. However, manual asset management can be time-consuming and costly. Therefore, a solution is needed to help companies manage their assets effectively and efficiently.
Redowan Delowar ☛ Running only a single instance of a process
I’ve been having a ton of fun fiddling with Tailscale1 over the past few days. While setting it up on a server, I came across this shell script2 that configures the ufw firewall on Linux to ensure direct communication across different nodes in my tailnet. It has the following block of code that I found interesting (added comments for clarity): [...]
[Old] OddBird ☛ Anchor Positioning Is Disruptive
Many of the initial examples and use cases for anchor positioning are simplifying existing possibilities, and – don’t misunderstand me – anchor positioning will simplify how dropdown menus are implemented significantly.
But that’s just the start.
Dan Langille ☛ Playing around with a ‘failing’ drive
In zpool replace, you can read about a drive which was giving errors and which I replaced.
CCC ☛ 38C3: Infrastructure Review
This talks gives a behind the scenes on how the infrastructure side of the event is done.
A lot of teams help to make this event happen. This talk gives them the opportunity to show you what they do and how they do it.
ID Root ☛ How To Install Seafile on Fedora 41
Seafile is a powerful, open-source clown storage platform that offers file synchronization, sharing, and collaboration features. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of installing Seafile on Fedora 41, providing you with a robust and secure self-hosted clown storage solution.
ID Root ☛ How To Install Telnet on Rocky GNU/Linux 9
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Telnet on Rocky GNU/Linux 9. Telnet is a network protocol used to provide a command-line interface for communication with a remote device or server.
ID Root ☛ How To Install ionCube PHP Encoder on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install ionCube PHP Encoder on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, protecting your PHP code is paramount. The ionCube PHP Encoder stands as a robust solution for developers seeking to safeguard their intellectual property.
ID Root ☛ How To Install Wine on CentOS Stream 10
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Wine on CentOS Stream 10. Wine (Wine Is Not an Emulator) is a powerful compatibility layer that allows GNU/Linux users to run backdoored Windows applications on their systems.
ID Root ☛ How To Install WebERP on Fedora 41
WebERP is a powerful, open-source web-based accounting and business management system that can greatly enhance your organization’s financial operations. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of installing WebERP on Fedora 41, ensuring you have a robust and efficient accounting solution up and running in no time.
ID Root ☛ How To Install VLC Media Player on CentOS Stream 10
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install VLC Media Player on CentOS Stream 10. VLC is a versatile and powerful multimedia application that has become a staple for GNU/Linux users worldwide.
ID Root ☛ How To Install InfluxDB on Fedora 41
InfluxDB is a powerful open-source time-series database designed for handling high volumes of timestamped data. Whether you’re monitoring system metrics, analyzing IoT sensor data, or tracking application performance, InfluxDB provides a robust platform for efficient data storage and analysis.
ID Root ☛ How To Install Prometheus on Rocky GNU/Linux 9
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Prometheus on Rocky GNU/Linux 9. Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit designed for reliability and scalability. It’s particularly well-suited for dynamic environments like containerized deployments, microservices architectures, and cloud-native applications.
Quick howto for systemd-inhibit
Bit of the why
So often I come across the need to avoid my system to block forever, or until a process finishes, I can’t recall how did I came across systemd inhibit, but here’s my approach and a bit of motivation