today's howtos
Make Use Of ☛ How to Install WPS Office on Ubuntu [Ed: Use Free software instead; use something like LibreOffice]
Whether you're a professional Ubuntu usеr or just starting your journey with this opеn-sourcе opеrating systеm, WPS Officе offers you a powerful and usеr-friеndly officе suitе that can significantly еnhancе your productivity.
Hеrе's how to install and usе thе WPS Officе tools you nееd for word procеssing, sprеadshееts, and prеsеntations.
HowTo Geek ☛ How to Rename a Directory on Linux
Renaming a directory in Linux is easy, and there are plenty of ways to go about it. From renaming a single directory to finding and renaming many, here's how to do it.
HowTo Geek ☛ How to Display the Date and Time in the Linux Terminal (and Use It In Bash Scripts)
The date command is found in the Bash shell, which is the default shell in most Linux distributions and even macOS. This tutorial shows you how to master date on the command line and how you can use it in shell scripts to do more than simply print the time.
HowTo Geek ☛ How to Use the Echo Command on Linux
The echo command is perfect for writing formatted text to the terminal window. And it doesn't have to be static text. It can include shell variables, filenames, and directories. You can also redirect echo to create text files and log files. Follow this simple guide to find out how.
HowTo Geek ☛ How to Do Floating Point Math in Linux Bash Scripts
The Linux Bash shell supports integer arithmetic only. It can neither understand nor cope with floating point calculations. The bc utility gives you precision floating point calculations interactively and in shell scripts.