Why I Finally Switched to Linux and Don’t Regret It
Quoting: Why I Finally Switched to Linux and Don’t Regret It —
If you're considering making Linux your primary OS, it's important to look before you leap. This operating system isn't for everyone, and you should allow yourself to experiment without committing to it as your daily driver.
The easiest way to do that is to install Linux as a dual-boot operating system. By doing this, you can use the Linux distribution you choose at any time while retaining the ability to switch to Windows when necessary. (For some professionals, that's often.)
After installing your new Linux distro, you should also follow a tutorial on switching from Linux to Windows to make sure that you don't miss any important steps. Forgetting to sync to your cloud storage won't break your system, but it will be inconvenient.
Switching to Linux takes time, but you'll be amazed at the creative and unusual things your computer can do when it isn't bound to the limitations of conventional operating systems.