today's howtos
Network World ☛ How to find and fix spelling errors on Linux
There are a number of spelling assistants you can use on Linux systems, including aspell, enchant-2, look, and grep. Some commands will need to be installed on your system.
Dan Langille ☛ Replacing postfix with dma + auth
It’s a muggy Friday morning, sitting outside the cafe – it’s tolerable in the shade with a slight breeze and cold iced-latte in a glass. Dogs walking past, lots of pats.
It’s time to change most of my hosts from Postfix (my favorite MTA) to dma (in FreeBSD, no install required).
University of Toronto ☛ OCSP Stapling always faced a bunch of hard problems
Getting a web server to do OCSP Stapling requires both software changes and operational changes. The basic TLS software has to provide stapled OCSP responses, getting them from somewhere, and then there has to be something that fetches signed OCSP responses from the CA periodically and stores them so that the TLS software could use them. There are a lot of potential operational changes here, because your web server may go from a static frozen thing that does not need to contact things in the outside world or store local state to something that needs to do both. Alternately, maybe you need to build an external system to fetch OCSP responses and inject them into the static web server environment, in much the same way that you periodically have to inject new TLS certificates.
TecMint ☛ How to Upgrade Linux Mint 21.3 to Linux Mint 22
In this article, we will walk you through the steps to upgrade Linux Mint 21.3 (the latest minor version of the 21.x version) to Linux Mint 22.
OSTechNix ☛ How To Verify Linux ISO Image Integrity And Authenticity