Free Software Leftovers
Linux Links ☛ HiFile – cross-platform file manager
HiFile is a Qt6-based orthodox file manager and therefore sports a classic dual-pane interface.
Licensing / Legal
Hackaday ☛ A Practical Open Source Air Purifier
In the years since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s fair to say we’ve all become a lot more aware of the air quality surrounding us. Many of us have added a CO2 monitor to our collection of tools, and quite a few will have an air filtration system too. There are plenty of devices on the market that fulfill this niche at varying qualities and prices, but shouldn’t a decent filter be something to make for yourself? [Naomi Wu] thinks so, and she’s put up the design for her Nukit open air purifier online under the GPLv3.
SUSE's Corporate Blog ☛ SUSE Receives 30 Badges in the Winter G2 Report [Ed: But the CEO of SUSE has a history of bribing for ("buying") fake awards, just like Microsoft. What is the real merit and value of these? Who does the assessment?]
I’m pleased to share that G2, the world’s largest and most trusted tech marketplace, has recognized our solutions in its 2024 Winter Report. We received 29 badges across our business units for Rancher Prime, Longhorn, SUSE GNU/Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) and SUSE Manager – as well as one badge for the openSUSE community with Tumbleweed.
Debian Family
Thomas Koch: Using nix package manager in Debian
The nix package manager is available in Debian since May 2020. Why would one use it in Debian?
OSI Blog ☛ How OSI will renew its board of directors in 2024 [Ed: OSI now writing blog posts namelessly, perhaps hoping to dodge or to duck criticism, as people can see that OSI promotes Microsoft agenda and GPL violations]
The board of directors is the ultimate authority responsible for the Open Source Initiative as a California public benefit corporation, with 501(c)3 tax-exempt status. The board’s responsibilities include oversight of the organization, approving the budget and supporting the executive director and staff to fulfill its mission. The OSI isn’t a volunteer-run organization anymore and the role of the directors has changed accordingly.
Each director is expected to be a counsel and a guide for staff rather than an active contributor. Directors should guide discussions, support the vision and mission of the organization, and advocate for the OSI. They’re also asked to support the fundraising efforts however they feel comfortable doing.
Jonathan Riddell ☛ OpenUK’s 2024 New Year’s Honours List [Ed: OpenUK is an establishment outfit, not about freedom but about corporate power (companies like IBM and Google). Royal families and corporations reward and give medals to people who help them, not people who help antagonise abuse of power, inequality etc.]
It’s a pleasure to be on the OpenUK New Year’s Honours list for 2024. There’s some impressive names on there such as Richard Hughes of Packagekit and other projects at Red Hat, Colin Watson who was at Ubuntu with me and I see is now freelance, Mike McQuaid was previously of KDE but is now trying a startup with Mac packager Workbrew for Homebrew.