Lesser Known Distributions: OpenEmbedded, Qubes, and Haiku
KeePassXC 2.7.5 compiled in OE
KeePassXC is a password manager. Homepage:
Project page:
I compiled KeePassXC in OpenEmbedded/Yocto, here is the recipe:
As well as lots of dependencies. The package repository has been updated, and in PKGget click the "Configure" button then "Update" then update 'Packages-oe-kirkstone-official' database file. I did that, then chose to install KeePassXC: [...]
Compiled Secrets password manager but it crashed
Secrets, formerly known as PasswordSafe, project is here:
There is also a Windows "Password Safe", which has no connection with this one. Secrets is compatible with KeePass database, and requires gtk4.
The latest version is 7.3; however, it requires a later 'glib' package than is in Easy. So I went back to 6.5.
It requires a few python3 modules, and also 'cracklib' and 'libpwquality' that I compiled in OE.
It started OK, created a database, but when attempted to create an entry, it crashed. So much for that.
Why one would use Qubes OS?
Hello, I've been talking a lot about Qubes OS lately but I never explained why I got hooked to its offer. It's time to tell why I like it.
[GSOC 2023] Progress on perspective transformation
While the change request to add reference images was being reviewed, I started working on ticket #18415, which suggests adding shear and perspective transformations. I decided to implement the perspective transformation since I still need to figure out which way I’m going to implement the shear transformation. Hopefully the experience in implementing the perspective transformation will give me information that will help me decide how to implement the shear transformation.