Programming Leftovers and HowTos
Bash Basics Series #2: Using Variables in Bash
In this chapter of the Bash Basics series, learn about using variables in Bash scripts.
So much boilerplate
While looking through my box-of-hardware-bits for some stuff I need to put together my RISC-V build farm (a topic for another day), I found an NFC card reader from some time ago. O yeah, I remember wanting to do a little project with that at some point. No time like the present! But just getting to a first commit takes so much boilerplate.
Alpine Linux fatal error: ncurses.h: No such file or directory fix
When I try to compile a program on Alpine Linux, it fails with the following error...
How to Install Jellyfin Media Server on Debian 12/11/10
In the realm of digital entertainment, Jellyfin Media Server stands as a powerful, flexible, and open-source tool. Its purpose? To manage, stream, and organize multimedia content with ease.
How to Install Yarn on Rocky Linux
In the universe of software development, Package Managers are pivotal tools, simplifying the process of managing system libraries, dependencies, and even the software itself. Navigating this cosmos, you'll likely encounter two prominent constellations: NPM (Node Package Manager) and Yarn.