Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (Openwashing Also)
Queries Is a New Open-source GUI Database Manager for Relational Databases
Queries is a free Libre software database management solution for Linux desktops. It is written pure Rust.
In the nutshell, it is a complete workbench for SQL database engines with initial support for PostgreSQL.
Test your IoT platform with open source tools |
The Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing industries are developing quickly, and with it so does the scale of endpoints and the complexity of business logic. The more the IoT ecosystem grows, the more important it becomes to verify the availability and reliability of your platform. If you're delivering services, then testing your IoT system can help you find bottlenecks in performance, and help you plan ahead for scalability.
IoT can consist of any number of different devices using diverse protocols, strung together with complex integration architecture. This can make it challenging to design effective and meaningful tests for it. In this article, I demonstrate how to test an IoT platform using EMQX as an example of how to introduce performance test tools to verify and test platform-related quality indicators.
Drip is a Free Privacy-focused Menstrual Cycle and Fertility Tracking App [Ed: Any "app" that runs on mobile cannot be trusted on privacy, irrespective of the assurances and promises]
Convert image to Text with this Free App: Capture2Text OCR
Convert image to Text with this multilingual free app: Capture2Text
Capture2Text is a free open-source OCR that allows you to convert any image capture to text. It supports about 90+ languages so far and comes with a highly customized shortcuts.
Alongside its rich graphical user interface (GUI), Capture2Text also offers a command-line interface CLI that an advanced user can use to batch convert many images with one command.
[...] The app is released as a free Libre open-source software (FLOSS) under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3).
The Document Foundation provides LibreOffice on the Microsoft Store [Ed: Swimming right into the DRM shark's mouth]
The announcement reflects the project’s new marketing strategy: The Document Foundation is focused on the release of the Community version, while ecosystem companies are focused on value-added long-term supported versions targeted at enterprises. The distinction has the objective of educating organizations to support the FOSS project by choosing the LibreOffice version best suited for their needs instead of the Community version generously supported by volunteers.
Open source is Disrupting Video - Empowering Developers | TechRepublic [Ed: Openwashing by Mac Asay, not a word about the software patents cartel infesting this domain.]
After decades of proprietary stovepipes for media players and back-end video infrastructure, a new open source abstraction from Mux may liberate developers.
On the emerging landscape of open AI [Ed: OSI runs this "HEY HI" series to cover up for Microsoft's copyright violations and mass plagiarism. Microsoft pays the OSI for it.]