today's howtos
LinuxBuz ☛ How to Run a Cron Job Inside a Docker Container
Docker containers have become a standard tool in modern development. They allow you to package and run applications in isolated environments.
Linux Handbook ☛ An Overview of Essential Docker Compose Commands and Their Usage
Here's an overview of the Docker Compose file components and various commands you can use to manage them.
Linux Host Support ☛ PHP max_execution_time Guide: What is the default limit, and how can it be increased?
This tutorial will explain the PHP value max_execution_time and its use. What is PHP max_execution_time? The PHP max_execution_time is a PHP value that sets the maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to run before the system terminates it. The default limit is 30 seconds.
HowTo Geek ☛ Yes, You Can Get the Epic Games Store on Your Linux PC. Here's How
The Linux gaming community has grown rapidly over the past few years, thanks to open-source game development and compatibility layers. With all these games, Epic games are also making headlines in the Linux community. It's now easier than ever to run Epic games on Linux.