GNU Project/GNU Taler: Privacy-preserving Subscriptions, Discounts and Tax Deductable Donations, Cashless to e-Cash
Taler ☛ GNU Taler news: Privacy-preserving Subscriptions, Discounts and Tax Deductable Donations
Two independent bachelor theses bring new privacy-focused features to GNU Taler. Christian Blättler designed and implemented token-based subscriptions and discounts in Taler, while Lukas Matyja and Johannes Casaburi's thesis introduces the Donau system, a new type of a donation authority system.
Taler ☛ GNU Taler news: Cashless to e-Cash
During his bachelor thesis, Joel Häberli designed and implemented a framework allowing for cashless withdrawals in GNU Taler.
One more:
GNU Taler news: Real-time GNU Taler auditor
This bachelor thesis implements puts it's focus on the GNU Taler auditor. Cedric Zwahlen and Nicola Eigel made it real-time and added single page application.