Open Hardware: Pi, Zigbee, and More
Hackaday ☛ Running Four Brushless Motors With A Single Pi Pico
Sometimes, you have to drive four motors, and you need to do so with a certain level of control. You could throw a lot of parts at the problem, but you don’t necessarily have to. As [Shaun Crampton] demonstrates, you can run four brushless DC motors with a single Pi Pico.
CNX Software ☛ SONOFF Zigbee Bridge Ultra (ZBBridge-U) Zigbee 3.0 gateway and Matter Bridge supports up to 256 sub-devices
SONOFF Zigbee Bridge Ultra, also known as ZBBridge-U, is a Zigbee 3.0 gateway and Matter Bridge powered by a 1.5 GHz Rockchip RV1109 dual-core processor and equipped with Silicon Labs EFR32MG21 multiprotocol SoC.
Tom's Hardware ☛ BreadboardOS is the best thing since sliced bread for your Raspberry Pi Pico
Cavin McKinley has created custom firmware for the RP2040 called Breadboard OS that provides a CLI for quick prototyping with the microcontroller.