today's howtos
It's FOSS ☛ Customizing GNOME's Top Panel: Here's How to do that!
Bored with the plain-old GNOME top panel? Spice things up with these customization tips!
It's FOSS ☛ Running Hey Hi (AI) Locally Using Ollama on Ubuntu Linux
Running Hey Hi (AI) locally on GNU/Linux because open source empowers us to do so.
PID file path discrepancy for the clamd service in Gentoo Linux
Back in December I noticed that the OpenRC init script for clamd in Gentoo GNU/Linux reported the clamd service status as ‘crashed’, when in fact it was still running (I raised Gentoo GNU/Linux Bug Report 921088 to report this).
Djalel Oukid ☛ Personalize Your Bootloader: A Guide to Customize GRUB
Ubuntu Handbook ☛ How to Encrypt Your Home Folder in Ubuntu 24.04
This is a step by step beginner’s guide shows how to encrypt your home directory in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. As you may know, the new installer in Ubuntu 24.04 only supports encrypting the entire disk.
HowTo Forge ☛ Build a Monitoring System with Grafana and Prometheus on Debian 12
Grafana is an open-source and multi-platform data visualization platform developed by Grafana Labs. In this guide, you will install Grafana on the Debian 12 server with Nginx as a reverse proxy, then add Prometheus as the data source and configure the Grafana Dashboard for system monitoring.
Net2 ☛ How to Fix the “E: Unable to Locate Package” Error on Ubuntu
The “E: Unable to locate package” error can frustrate Ubuntu users when trying to install software packages via APT. However, this issue is relatively straightforward to troubleshoot and resolve. Here are some effective solutions: Update Package Lists Regularly Ensuring your system’s package lists are current is crucial for seamless software installation.
Vitux ☛ How to Install OpenNMS Network Monitoring Program on Ubuntu
OpenNMS is a free and web-based network management and monitoring solution developed and supported by a community of users. It is written in Java and collects important information from local and network hosts via the SNMP protocol. It is cross-platform and can be installed on GNU/Linux and backdoored Windows operating systems.