today's howtos
Attempt to upgrade Manjaro 23.1 via Manjaro Testing branch
In order to access a branch, you need to change your pacman-mirrors configuration
LinuxConfig ☛ Raspberry Pi Kali GNU/Linux headless setup
LinuxConfig ☛ Raspberry Pi as Minecraft Server
TecAdmin ☛ Step-by-Step Guide: Setting Up LAMP Stack on Amazon Linux
In the world of web development, setting up a LAMP stack is a fundamental skill that every developer should possess. The LAMP stack, which stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP, provides a powerful and versatile platform for developing and hosting web applications.
nixCraft ☛ How to install GPG (gnupg2) on a Debian GNU/Linux to fix gpg command not found error
GnuPG2 (or GPG2) is an open-source and free tool that implements the OpenPGP standard. Its primary purpose is to encrypt your sensitive information to protect it from unauthorized access. It also allows you to create digital signatures, guaranteeing that the data hasn't been tampered with while in transit.
DebugPoint ☛ 2 Ways to Install Citrix Receiver and Connect to Desktops from Ubuntu and Other Linux
This guide explains 2 ways to Install Citrix Receiver and Connect to Desktops from Ubuntu and Other Linux. Many organizations use commercial Citrix technology to provide their employees with remote connections via virtual machines. Citrix uses its proprietary tech to provide connection services.