Kernel, Graphics, Ubuntuu, and More
Kernel Space
University of Toronto ☛ Linux kernel boot messages and seeing if your AMD system has ECC
In general, consumer x86 desktops have generally not supported ECC memory, at least not if you wanted the 'ECC' bit to actually do anything. With Intel this seems to have been an issue of market segmentation, but things with AMD were more confusing. The initial AMD Ryzen series seemed to generally support ECC in the CPU, but the motherboard support was questionable, and even if your motherboard accepted ECC DIMMs there was an open question of whether the ECC was doing anything on any particular motherboard (cf). Later Ryzens have apparently had an even more confusing ECC support story, but I'm out of touch on that.
Graphics Stack
Neowin ☛ AMD can now run Nvidia CUDA on Windows or Linux thanks to ZLUDA
It is no secret that AMD has had a hard time competing with Nvidia in comparison to how it does against Intel. The struggle for AMD is two-fold, while the company does have decent hardware, the software side is a bit lacking, especially in the field of productivity and workstations.
Canonical/Ubuntu Family
Ubuntu News ☛ Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 826
Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 826 for the week of February 4 – 10, 2024.
Free, Libre, and Open Source Software
Manton Reece ☛ Introducing notes in
Today we’re launching a major new feature for Premium subscribers. notes are a new way to save content in when you don’t want to use a blog post or draft. Notes are private by default, end-to-end encrypted across all platforms, with a special companion app named Strata for iOS. (Android coming soon.)
Bryce Wray ☛ PurgeCSS joins my new styling stack
I’ve continued to enjoy the speed and power of Lightning CSS on this Hugo-powered site, but there’s one thing Lightning CSS can’t do on its own: it can’t de-bloat my CSS. In fact, it actually contributes to the bloat, by design, to make the styling work on older, otherwise incompatible browsers.
So, for a slim-down, I opted to rely on the venerable PurgeCSS; but the resulting plumbing changes within my Hugo site would differ from how the vast majority of tutorials instruct.
Herman Õunapuu ☛ Oops, I published my drafts! :: ./techtipsy — Ramblings of a tech enthusiast.
I recently tried looking for an alternative to writing blog posts in IntelliJ and out of all the options I stuck to MarkText. Well, it does things a bit differently and what was once a front-matter containing all sorts of metadata, including the one that prevents publishing a post if it is a draft, turned into a code block, and Hugo happily served that up.