Programming Leftovers
Olaf Alders ☛ 4 Strategies for Context Switching in Git
Anyone who spends a lot of time working with Git will eventually need to do some form of context switching. Sometimes this adds very little overhead to your workflow, but other times, it can be a real pain.
Let’s discuss the pros and cons of some common strategies for dealing with context switching using this example problem: [...]
Daniel Miller ☛ The Three Paths
In my experience, I have seen three methods for developing software products: trust, process or misery.
It could be said that trust in one’s colleagues is a requirement to product development, but it’s really only a requirement if one is adverse to misery. Sharing or delegating work, with the honest expectation that everyone is working towards the same end with the same effort, willing to help one another along the way—this is the way most people like to work.
Leon Mika ☛ Detecting A Point In a Convex Polygon
For reasons that may or may not be made clear lately, I’ve been working on something involving bestagons. I tended to shy away from things like this before, mainly because of the maths involved in tasks like determining whether a point is within a hexagon. But instead of running away once again from things more complex than a grid, I figured it was time to learn this once and for all. So off I went.
Rlang ☛ An overview of the rsi R package for retrieving satellite imagery and calculating spectral indices
rsi is a recent R package developed by Michael Mahoney and funded by Permian Global Research. It offers features that simplify the process of acquiring spatial data from STAC (SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog) and calculating spectral indices based on such data. A unique feature of this package is its source for the indices. Instead of providing a static list of available formulas, rsi obtains them from Awesome Spectral Indices: a curated repository of over 200 indices covering multiple application domains. The combination of satellite imagery access through STAC and a constantly expanding spectral indices repository significantly simplifies remote sensing processes and creates new opportunities, including the automation of calculating spectral indices over a wide span of time and area.
Introducing Vcc: the Vulkan Clang Compiler
It’s exactly what the name implies: a clang-based compiler that outputs code that runs on Vulkan.
Vcc can be thought of as a GLSL and HLSL competitor, but the true intent of this project is to retire the concept of shading languages entirely. Unlike existing shading languages, Vcc makes a honest attempt to bring the entire C/C++ language family to Vulkan, which means implementing a number of previously unseen features in Vulkan shaders
Perl / Raku
Hackaday ☛ FLOSS Weekly Episode 765: That Ship Sailed… And Sank
This week Jonathan Bennett and Aaron Newcomb talk with Randal Schwartz, the longest running host of FLOSS Weekly, Perl’s biggest cheerleader, and now Dart and Flutter expert. What’s new with Randal since his last FLOSS Weekly episode in May 2020? Why should you look at Dart and Flutter? And how do you avoid becoming a security martyr?
Python 3.13 gets a JIT
Happy New Year everyone! In late December 2023 (Christmas Day to be precise), CPython core developer Brandt Bucher submitted a little pull-request to the Python 3.13 branch adding a JIT compiler.
This change, once accepted would be one of the biggest changes to the CPython Interpreter since the Specializing Adaptive Interpreter added in Python 3.11 (which was also from Brandt along with Mark Shannon).
In this blog post, we’re going to have a look at this JIT, what it is, how it works and what the benefits are.
Copy-and-patch was selected because the compilation from bytecodes to machine code is done as a set of “templates” that are then stitched together and patched at runtime with the correct values. This means that your average Python user isn’t running this complex JIT compiler architecture inside their Python runtime. Python writing it’s own IL and JIT would also be unreasonable since so many are available off-the-shelf like LLVMs and ryuJIT. But a full-JIT would require those being bundled with Python and all the added overheads. A copy-and-patch JIT only requires the LLVM JIT tools be installed on the machine where CPython is compiled from source, and for most people that means the machines of the CI that builds and packages CPython for
Redowan Delowar ☛ Annotating args and kwargs in Python
While I tend to avoid *args and **kwargs in my function signatures, it’s not always possible to do so without hurting API ergonomics. Especially when you need to write functions that call other helper functions with the same signature.
Python Speed ☛ NumPy 2 is coming: preventing breakage, updating your code
NumPy 2 is a new major release, with a release candidate coming out February 1st 2024, and a final release a month or two later. Importantly, it’s backwards incompatible; not in a major way, but enough that some work might be required to upgrade. And that means you need to make sure your application doesn’t break when NumPy 2 comes out.
Seth Michael Larson ☛ Security Developer-in-Residence Weekly Report #24
Continuing from 2023 there will be a focus on Software Bill-of-Materials (SBOMs) for CPython and incremental improvements to the CPython release process as more is automated.
I made a suggestion to release managers to backport SBOM tooling in the CPython repository to all supported release streams in an effort to treat SBOMs more like an additional artifact instead of a new feature of CPython. This would mean SBOMs would be available for previous CPython releases and we won't have to wait until the 3.13.0 stable release in October to make them available for consumption.
Phil Eaton ☛ Writing a minimal in-memory storage engine for MySQL/MariaDB
The rest of the week I spent figuring out how to build a minimal in-memory storage engine, which I'll walk through in this post. 218 lines of C++.
It supports CREATE, DROP, INSERT, and SELECT for tables that only have INTEGER fields. It is explicitly not thread-safe because I didn't have time to understand MariaDB's lock primitives.