today's leftovers
Tux Digital ☛ This Week in Linux 240: GNU/Linux 6.6, Firefox DEBs, Wayland on GNU/Linux Mint, Fashion Company Apple M3 & more GNU/Linux news
On this episode of TWIL (240), the GNU/Linux kernel has released the latest version with 6.6 and there are a lot of exciting updates in this release. Mozilla has announced they are finally beginning to package DEB files of the Firefox browser. GNU/Linux Mint’s Cinnamon is getting Wayland support.
PCLinuxOS Magazine ☛ GIMP Tutorial: Create A Smoke Effect
I'm still looking for fun projects to do in GIMP! I came across this video from Logos By Nick on YouTube, and it's a cool effect.
The first thing you need is some smoke brushes for GIMP. I downloaded this set from deviantart. You need to sign on in order to download files. This is an .abr file, which means it's a brush set designed for Photoshop, but it will work in GIMP. Place the file in home/yourusername/.config/GIMP/2.10/brushes, and the brushes will show up in GIMP.
Open a new document in GIMP. Nick recommends at least 1280 x 1000. Fill it with black. Import the photo you want to use. You could probably use a photo with a background but his didn't, so I removed the background from mine as well. We've done a couple of projects on removing the background from a photo, so I'm pretty sure you know how to do it. Scale it if it is too big. Whatever face you use needs to be close to centered in the page.
TechTarget ☛ How to upgrade RHEL 8 to 9
With CentOS 7 and RHEL 7 reaching end of maintenance, RHEL admins and developers must look into other OS options. Follow this tutorial to upgrade from RHEL 8 to 9.
Oracle Cloud Native Environment: Kubernetes, Modules and Components Releases
Oracle Cloud Native Environment is an integrated suite of software components for the development and management of cloud native applications. Based on the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and Open Container Initiative standards, Oracle Cloud Native Environment delivers a simplified framework for the installation, update, upgrade, and configuration of key features for orchestrating microservices through Kubernetes.
Linux Hint ☛ Sigaction() Function in C Language
Tutorial on how to use the sigaction() function to change or restore the action of a signal and how to spot the errors that can occur when using sigaction().
Linux Hint ☛ Read System Call in C
A system call is a method for a software to communicate with the operating system. When software performs a system call, it sends the request to the kernel of the operating system. The read () system function in C reads data from the file referred to by the file descriptor.
Linux Hint ☛ Fork() and Exec() Functions in C Language
Tutorial on how to use the fork() and exec() functions to create, run, or replace a process with another using its description, syntax, and calling method.