today's leftovers
Raspberry Pi Pico Monitors Pellet Smoker’s Hopper Level with Web App
SneakyPackets has created a Pico-powered pellet smoker hopper monitor complete with a handy web app for status information.
Podcast: How Honeywell is approaching TinyML
This week we make a big announcement about the podcast and newsletter. Get ready! Then we talk about the issues with Matter and who’s to blame. We lay out the challenges that both we and The Verge have highlighted with Thread credentialing, and talk about uneven device support.
Wipeout Game Rewrite: How to Play it on Ubuntu
Want to play an improved version of famed futuristic racing game wipEout on Ubuntu? Chances are you do as this game is considered something of a classic. A bona-fide hit on PlayStation when released (it also came to DOS and the Sega Saturn) its success spawned a slew of sequels and imitators on gaming systems that followed.